GIVING BACK Campaign Update
JUNE 30 is just over 2 weeks away & we’re a third of the way to reaching our 15K target.
Thanks so much for your support to date. Our Sapori d’Italia fundraising evening is now SOLD OUT and we’re looking forward to spending a wonderful night with friends and supporters. We will be holding a SILENT AUCTION on the evening which will also open to those not attending. There’s some incredible goods and services up for grabs such as Aussie Open Final and Fleetwood Mac tickets. Stay tuned so you can get involved.
We’ve still got a way to go to reach our goal of $15K. We’d love it if you could help. Here’s some ways how…
1️⃣ SHARE our Facebook posts so we can extend our reach.
2️⃣ Make a tax deductible DONATION of any amount
3️⃣ Buy some wine from Giammarino Wines and put the code ‘LMFGIVINGBACK’ in the ‘Order Notes’ so that 30% of proceeds come back to us.
4️⃣ Purchase some vintage costume jewellery pieces from Luca’s ‘Biz Nonna’s’ famous collection.
Any contribution is welcomed with thanks. ❤️