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Sometimes The Best Plans In Life

Sometimes the best plans in life

Sometimes the best laid plans in life don’t work out and you have to take a new path towards your goal.

Our goal of finding a suitable kidney donor for Luca has not changed but the pathway toward achieving that goal has. We were always confident that Luca would have a pre-emptive live donor transplant and avoid dialysis however his kidney function has declined to a point where this is no longer possible. We have had a couple of days to process this and refocus our efforts and way of thinking.

Next week Luca will be admitted to the RCH Koala (cardiac & renal) ward to have a peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheter inserted and will remain in hospital for 2 weeks whilst his body is gradually introduced to the dialysis process and Rob and I undergo training in order to be able to continue the treatment at home.

Whilst this is not a situation in which we thought we would find ourselves, we are very grateful that we have options for Luca and his treatment.

Apart from being a bit tired at times Luca is not symptomatic and is still growing really well and rolling with the punches. We know he is in excellent hands and will be back into his busy routine in no time.

We will keep you up to date with more details and information in the coming days and weeks.



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